PPC Management Services Agency

Get PPC management services in:

  • Craft a PPC strategy, pay-per-click advertising campaign setup, and turn around an old PPC management program for better results.
  • Professional PPC management services with data-driven insights for the best results in optimizing your PPC campaigns
ppc management services

Pay-per-click, PPC management services are the campaign setup, maintenance, and optimization of paid advertising campaigns in search engine advertising platforms like Bing Ads and Google Ads. The goal is to ensure your PPC ads campaign reaches your target audience or potential customers. The service typically includes campaign setup, optimization, reporting, support, feed management, and remarketing.

The key types of PPC services include: creating and optimizing search ads for search engines like Google and Bing and managing display ads within a network like Google Display Network. PPC ads are not limited to search engines but include paid social media advertising on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc.

The competition to appear on top of organic search results with search engine optimization SEO is ever-getting stiffer. SEO is a long-term strategy; hence marketers resort to pay-per-click PPC as a short-term strategy to get their clients on top of search engine results. PPC marketing is running PPC ad campaigns to gain quick traffic to your website for leads, sales, and conversion. BightEdge research reports that while organic traffic accounts for a majority of website traffic, about 48% of queries also have paid ads above the organic search results.

To find how we can help you boost your paid search traffic

PPC Management Services

The main benefit of using a PPC management service is gaining the expertise of a team of professionals to maximize your PPC investment. A great thing about a PPC expert is the experience of running PPC campaigns daily. This experience can easily be transferred to your unique needs, lower cost, and better user experience for your PPC campaign.

Keyword Research

Tips for effective keyword research and selection:

  • find broad match queries related to your products or services;  
  • identify relevant keywords in existing organic and paid traffic; 
  • target low difficulty long tail keywords to rank easily;
  • categorize keywords into groups to match the campaign structure;
  •  identify negative keywords to screen irrelevant clicks; 
  • analyze search terms report to identify relevant keywords driving conversions
  • search query data to inform ongoing keyword selection

PPC Ad Campaign Setup

The first thing for a PPC advertising campaign is to create an Ads account for a business or access an account. We take care of your PPC campaign management, there are several campaign types and each campaign type is to achieve any of your PPC goals. The goal determines the campaign type to use, expected outcome, add-ons, and metrics to measure success. Common goals may be to increase traffic, increase sales or leads, or brand awareness. Campaign types include search campaigns, display campaigns, shopping campaigns, video or YouTube campaigns, app campaigns, and discovery campaigns.

Ad Creation 

Ad creation is within ad groups. A campaign can contain multiple ad groups, each with its set of keywords, ad variants, and 1 landing page. Use your keywords in the ad copy headlines and descriptions. Include features, benefits, and key differentiators for your brand that will appeal to the right customers. Lastly, monitor, and filter out negative keywords, and improve your ad copy based on performance metrics.

PPC Bid Management

PPC or pay-per-click is a process where you pay for each click on your ads. The responsibility is on you to use the opportunity to get new customers. You can set your maximum daily ad budget at the campaign level. Ads rank is used to determine the winning bid, ads rank is a product of your quality score and maximum bid. If a user clicks on your ad you pay the cost-per-click CPC. The CPC is different for each advertiser and with a good quality score and lower bid, you can beat your competitors with less ad spend. 

CPC = ad rank of bidder below you/your quality score + 0.01

Landing Page Optimization

A landing page is a standalone page on your site, and cannot be a home page designed for visitors to land on after clicking on your ads. You create it with a specific action you want the visitors to take e.g. newsletter subscription or buy a product. Create a goal for each landing page. If you have multiple offers you can use a split test to find which one will convert more. A landing page should be a natural continuation of your ads.

  • Match Landing Page to Ad – Ensure consistency between your ad messaging/offers and the landing page content
  • Increase Relevance – Use targeted keywords, and customize content for each ad group’s offering on unique landing pages. 
  • Improve Page Speed – Faster loading speeds improve user experience and conversions. 
  • Prominent CTA Buttons – Make call-to-action buttons for desired conversions visible and clear. 
  • Reduce Friction – Minimize required fields in forms, don’t use interstitials or popups. Make taking action easy.
  • Enhance Trust – Add reviews, and social proof elements like testimonials to increase credibility and conversion confidence.
  • Use Concise Copy – Get to the point fast. Headers, bullets, and highlighting key information help engagement.
  • Optimize Mobile Experience – Check that pages are mobile-friendly and load fast across different devices

Performance Tracking

PPC performance tracking is the process of measuring and analyzing effective PPC management in a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaign. To gauge the success of a PPC campaign, performance tracking involves monitoring various key performance indicators and analyzing the data to make informed decisions. 

The most essential performance metrics to monitor include:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): CTR is the ratio of ad clicks to ad impressions. It measures the percentage of people who click on an ad after seeing it. 
  • Conversion Rate: This metric tracks the percentage of users who completed a desired action, such as app download, newsletter signup, etc.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): CPC is the money an advertiser pays for each click on their ad. It highlights the cost-effectiveness of the campaign. 
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): ROAS measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on the PPC campaign. It’s a crucial metric for determining the overall profitability of the campaign. 

PPC Management Agency

A PPC management agency is a team of PPC experts that work for business owners toward achieving advertising campaign goals. A PPC management agency ascertains project viability and takes care of Google Ads and Microsoft Ads management for optimal results. 

Leverage our PPC management agency experience for the best return on investment (ROI) in your PPC search and other search engine advertising campaigns. Get increased CTRs, high conversion rates, the least cost per click, and a high return on ads spent in your search marketing campaign. 

Our PPC ads ensure you get prospects who convert to sales. Whatever is your goal, whether profit, the volume of conversions, the least cost per lead, the highest return on ads spent, or simply impressions. We have got you covered

Avail yourself of PPC targeting options to get your products and services before prospects who convert to sales. Catch on the power of search engine advertising performance monitoring optimizations to advance your business market share.

MindSet Digital NG